In many parts of the world, it is considered the standard of care in the treatment of many health conditions as opposed to the allopathic medicine that makes up the majority of the approach to medical care in this country.
Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin needles into specific anatomical points on the body.
Studies have shown that acupuncture can improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, release pain-relieving neuropeptides, and help regulate hormonal balance.
Although the traditional approach to acupuncture is to insert needles into specific points (also known as dry needling), there are other varieties of acupuncture that we also offer including :​
Electroacupuncture (EAP)
The use of a gentle electrical current connected to pairs of needles inserted into acupuncture points.
The burning of an herb (mugwort) either over acupuncture points or by direct contact with acupuncture needles.
Injecting a small amount of sterile fluid into an acupuncture point. The fluid type varies depending on the intended effect
Laser acupuncture
For animals that are sensitive to needles, this achieves similar effects as traditional acupuncture, utilizing our Class IV photobiomodulation unit
Conditions that benefit from acupuncture therapy
Soft tissue injury (muscle or ligament)
Neurologic injury or disease (IVDD and others)
Surgical candidates
Pain management before/after surgery
Dr. Lindsey has developed a unique protocol that if performed within 2 days prior to surgery can assist with a smoother anesthetic recovery!
Gastrointestinal disease (vomiting, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, and others)
Allergic skin disease
Behavioral issues/anxiety
Organ dysfunction (heart, lung, kidney, or liver disease)
Immune-mediated disease
Hormonal imbalances (Cushing’s, Addison’s, Hypothyroidism)